The FUN DAYS we have at Miss Karri's

Monday, April 17, 2017

Hippity Hop Hop.....

Our Easter week at school.
The sand table is filled with mini bunnies and chicks, different kinds of eggs, colored rice, mini carrots, easter containers, and birds.  I have a few kids that just always want flour in here....that is the messiest but the most fun I guess lol.

Miss Karri uses a dry erase board to do step by step on how to draw a bunny.  The kids really did such a good job. We have a variety of bunny sizes, ears, and eyes.

You can totally tell when concentration is in full affect..... the tongue.

My helper today cleaning  all the paint cups.

Everyone grab a chair we are going to be a bunny today.
Do you know what a burrow is?  The kids learned today where a bunny goes to hibernate or have babies.  So we told a Easter story and they had to do what the bunny would do.  As you can see they are so excited to start this game.

Hippity hop hop, hippity hop hop...the Easter bunny is hopping away.

PEEP painting

Yes I actually had a kid lick the sugar crystals off the dry side of the peep that had paint on the other side hahaha

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