The FUN DAYS we have at Miss Karri's

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Circle Time Songs

Halloween Crafts

As we are painting our bats purple....he tries so hard to keep his hands clean and free of any paint mess lol

GIVING Gives gives us happiness seeing the joy in others....

After the fire dept took their time out to come for a visit...I thought I would make them some goodies and give them a framed pic from their visit.

Halloween Cookie Decorating Party

Im all cookied out!!!  In the last couple weeks I think Ive baked close to 300 cookies. This first pic is cookies for a special occasion, we had a big kid cookie party on a Sat night, a cookie party for the littler ones during the week and I still have cookies to frost.  Today is Halloween and Im ready to throw the rest in the trash....No more cookies lol....until Christmas.

How about a healthy snack thrown in with all the sweets.